Monday, April 27, 2020

Grade 1 Parents Only

Typing Agent
Dear Parents,

Your child will now have access to “Typing Agent”, a fun, web based keyboarding program that is used @ STS.  I have created a username and  password for each student. 

Please assist your child with the first log in and be sure to bookmark the site and save the password  for easy access.

It is important for your child to complete the Diagnostic test first. This Diagnostic test is very important as it will show your child's' progress over time. If your child presses one letter accurately every minute, they will pass the test. The test is two minutes long. The main point here is that they do not press random letters incorrectly to get to the end of the test as they will have to redo it.
Username: contact Mrs. Hall for the usernames-
Password:   school123